TinkerCad Academy #4: TinkerCAD to Real-World Object

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TinkerCAD Academy

Part 4: TinkerCAD to Real-World Object


  • Understanding how a digital file can be brought to the real world

Teacher/Parent Prep:

With the current state of teaching 3D printers are not going to be accessible to most students. This course goes through the basics to have students begin to think about how their work in TinkerCAD relates to the real world. Its suggested you watch the videos before hand as well as watching the videos listed below.

3D Printers on How its Made

The 3D Printing Process from Start to Finish

3D Printing Explained

Have your students watch the following videos

The teacher should give a basic overview of how the printer works and answer any questions they may have. If they have further questions or interest feel free to share with them some of the videos suggested for teacher prep. Save the fine details for when printers are accessible to use and look at for the students.

Essay or Video on 3D Printing

Have students answer the question “How is 3D Printing Changing the Food Industry?” after reading the article Outsource to India. With the advent of 3D printing, there has been a tremendous breakthrough in today's food industry, with companies across the globe trying their hand at 3D printing food. Today, 3D printing is no longer an idea, but a reality that can revolutionize food innovation and production through better creativity, customizability, and sustainability. They can do this in video form or in a essay format.


Share your essays or any questions comments and concerns on Latino STEM Alliance’s Facebook page or @latinostem on Twitter to show us and your fellow students and community how your work with TinkerCad has been going!