TinkerCAD Circuit Academy #4: First Breadboard Circuits!

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TinkerCAD Circuit Academy #4

First Breadboard Circuits!


  • Understand how to use a breadboard and how a breadboard works.

  • Create your own circuit with a breadboard.

Tutorial Video

Watch the below video and follow along on TinkerCAD here!


This is to introduce you to the breadboard and how it is used to create a circuit.


Download the Screencastify Video tool extension to your browser. Document your Autodesk TinkerCAD challenges by recording a short video of yourself showing off a creation! Save your journal’s URL for your own reference, or SHARE your video on Latino STEM Alliance’s Facebook page or @latinostem on Twitter to show us and your fellow students and community how your work with TinkerCad Circuits has been going!


Make sure to email any comments, concerns, or criticism to Mitchell.Nesteruk@latinostem.org